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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2019/2020 School Year

13th Sep 2019
Our school Tech Team is now up and running. There are 14 P7 children helping out...
13th Sep 2019
Primary 1 have settled really well into school life. We have had lots of fun exploring...
9th Sep 2019
Congratulations to Holly, Noah, Curtis and Olivia who are our new Prefects for this...
9th Sep 2019
Congratulations to our new Head Boy Cailean and Head Girl Ellen.

2018/2019 School Year

27th Jun 2019
On 14th June all of our families came along to the Assembly Hall and celebrated...
27th Jun 2019
We have had such a busy time this month. We visited the Computer room each week...
27th Jun 2019
P4GM Our final term in P4 has brought lots of fun and learning for all those in...
25th Jun 2019
We have had a fun-filled, busy and exciting end to our journey in P3. We have...
25th Jun 2019
So we have come to the end of another year! How quickly time flies! From the Shared...
24th Jun 2019
This term in P3/4CL we have been busy.  We enjoyed practising for our Sports...