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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2018/2019 School Year

16th Apr 2019
Our theme this term has been “The Famous Five” and we have enjoyed finding...
16th Apr 2019
Wow! Term 2 has been so busy for P1OMA and we can’t believe how quickly our...
15th Apr 2019
Where has this term gone? We can’t believe that it’s Easter already!...
15th Apr 2019
P5 have enjoyed learning about Animation this term. We made our own zoetropes and...
15th Apr 2019
Primary 6 enjoyed another great term. In literacy we were learning lots of new grammar...
13th Apr 2019
Cancer Focus came to our school to talk to us about how to look after our bodies....
13th Apr 2019
We decided to explore our wonderful Fishmonger's Trail at the beginning of Spring....
13th Apr 2019
We had lots of fun during March learning about all the people who help us. Here...
10th Apr 2019
Ballykelly Businesses Banner Local businesses have supported our school in...