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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady
The Staff and Pupils of Ballykelly Primary School would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Thanks for your continued support.
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Clubs for April- June

6th Apr 2022

We have another set of exciting clubs running from Week beginning 25th April until week beginning 6th June 2022. Please remember that these need booked and paid for using the app and these are block booked clubs.

Due to a number of days when school is closed please check below for the dates of this set of clubs.

Booking opens- Week beginning 25th April

Week 1- Week beginning 2nd May. There will be no Monday or Thursday club this week.

Week 2- Week beginning 9th May.

Week 3- Week beginning 16th May.

Week 4- Week beginning 23rd May.

There are no clubs week beginning 30th May.

Week 5- Week beginning 6th June. This will be the last week of after school clubs.