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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady

February Fun!

12th Mar 2019

As February arrived so did lots of toys from Outer Space! Our new topic was so much fun and we blasted off each day into space in our rocket and learned about astronauts and the planets. We made purple playdough and had stars and rocket cutters to make lots of interesting things for the moon! At the art table we were so busy making rockets, jet packs and flying saucers using junk materials. There was tin foil, sellotape and shiny paper everywhere!

Action Cancer came in to talk to us about being healthy and how to look after our bodies by eating healthy food. We had to sort all the different types of food and decide if they were healthy or unhealthy. We also did lots of exercise with the Action Cancer staff.

There were lots of activities on our Interactive Whiteboard and we had to match the aliens or get the astronaut ready to blast off in the rocket. We watched footage of real astronauts exploring the moon and we tried to walk like them in our moon boots in the role play area. We counted back each day from 10 and blasted off into Space. Outside we had a large wooden rocket and we worked together to push along on the rocket and explore.

We can't forget about celebrations during February especially Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day. There were hearts all around the nursery! We talked about people that we love and made lots of things at the art table and writing table for our loved ones. There was even a heart hug cushion and we could give our friends a heart hug each day.

Chinese New Year celebrations started with us dressing up in traditional Chinese costumes and hats. We learned an action song all about Chinese New Year. We had a role play area set up with some food and real chopsticks. For snack we had noodles and we tried to use chopsticks to eat the noodles; it was a bit tricky but so much fun.

Our Jo Jingles classes ended with Stephanie and Jo. We all got a certificate and a hug from Jo at the end of our final class.