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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady

Merry Christmas from Nursery!

18th Dec 2024

During December we have been so busy practising for our Christmas Play. We were dressed up as Snowmen, Reindeer, Stars, Christmas Trees and Elves. We performed on the school stage in front of all of our families. We even did a dance at the end to the song ‘Christmas makes me smile’ and everyone loved it!

In Nursery we made lots of lovely things at our Art Table and we took them home to decorate our houses. We did lots of cutting at the art table and there was glue and glitter everywhere! We were using lots of gold and silver items at the Art Table. We helped to make red playdough and although it was very messy we had lots of fun.

Our Nursery looked lovely when the new boys and girls came to visit during Open Day on Friday 29th November.

In Nursery we enjoyed role play in Santa’s workshop using tools to make lots of toys and we were busy in Santa’s house preparing the Christmas dinner for the elves. At our writing table we wrote our letters to Santa and we walked down to the Post office to post the letters. In no time at all we all got a reply from Santa!! Santa even visited nursery and gave us some presents.

Just before our Christmas holidays we enjoyed eating our Christmas dinner in the Canteen. We pulled crackers with our friends and the dinner was delicious.

Ho Ho Ho….what a busy time we have had!