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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2022/2023 School Year

29th Sep 2022
The pupils have settled extremely well into their new school year and are working...
29th Sep 2022
We have had great fun settling into our new school. We have been working very hard...
29th Sep 2022
In the Nursery Unit we are delighted to welcome Alex, Amy, Anna-Grace, Aria, Bobby,...
16th Sep 2022
P2 took advantage of the sunshine to go for an Autumn Walk in the Fishmongers' Trail....
25th Aug 2022

2021/2022 School Year

28th Jun 2022
Our topic this term has been ‘Down in the Woods’ in which we have been...
28th Jun 2022
It’s hard to believe we have reached the end of another school year! We...
28th Jun 2022
As part of our getting ready to move to “Big School”, we visited the...
27th Jun 2022
It is hard to believe after all that has happened that we are now at the end of...