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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2021/2022 School Year

24th Jun 2022
We have thoroughly enjoyed our Friday classes with Ryan from Maiden City Soccer....
24th Jun 2022
Oh how time has flown in Term 3! After the Easter holidays we have been learning...
23rd Jun 2022
We have all been very busy this term in P3/4CL! After the Easter holidays we...
23rd Jun 2022
Our World Around Us topic this term was called Here comes the sun. We loved finding...
20th Jun 2022
Hello! P5DL have worked incredibly hard over the final term of the year. We have...
31st May 2022
With the arrival of May, we started work on our ‘Bears’ topic. We were...
23rd May 2022
We had a fantastic day out in The Woodland Trail with Emma. Have a look at the photographs...
18th May 2022
Congratulations to our Primary 7 children who received the sacrament of...
29th Apr 2022
During April we continued our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic. We had...