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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2021/2022 School Year

20th Dec 2021
17th Dec 2021
What a first term we have had in P5DL! We can’t believe how fast the last...
17th Dec 2021
It is so hard to believe we are in December! We have had such a busy and fun time...
17th Dec 2021
During December we were so busy practising for our Christmas Play. We were dressed...
16th Dec 2021
We went over to the Canteen today for our Christmas Dinner. It was delicious. We...
16th Dec 2021
P2JW have had a very busy and fun 1st term!  We were delighted to be able...
15th Dec 2021
Term 1   In P3/4CL, we had a busy first term!  We have been...
15th Dec 2021
It has been a busy Term 1 in Primary 5. We’ve been working hard in Literacy...
15th Dec 2021
Primary 6/7MF had a wonderful Term 1. We enjoyed learning about time, shape and...
14th Dec 2021
We practised lots and lots for our Christmas Show. We were dressed up as Reindeer,...