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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2023/2024 School Year

25th Jun 2024
During June as part of our getting ready to move to “Big School”, we...
14th Jun 2024
We celebrated our graduation on Friday 14th June. We talked about all of the things...
14th Jun 2024
"Time flies when you're having fun!" This saying certainly illustrates our class....
13th Jun 2024
We have all been very busy in P3/4CL! We completed our topic “Evacuees...
13th Jun 2024
Our topic this term has been ‘Journeys’ in which we have been learning...
31st May 2024
With the arrival of May, we began our 'Bears' topic. We learned about bear habitats...
21st May 2024
We are enjoying lots of physical development outdoors in the sun and making the...
9th May 2024
What a busy day we had in our Woodland Trail! We had such a fun-filled day exploring...
30th Apr 2024
Raking, weeding, planting, digging.....just some of the gardening work we did today...
30th Apr 2024
We have started getting ready for Primary One. We are regular visitors to the Primary...