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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2021/2022 School Year

14th Dec 2021
We had a great turn out at our Open Morning and it was so lovely to meet all our...
1st Dec 2021
It’s been a great first term for all our new Primary 1 pupils and they’ve...
30th Nov 2021
During November we were learning about ‘Autumn’ and ‘The Farm’....
18th Nov 2021
17th Nov 2021
We are very excited to announce we are having an Open Morning for prospective Nursery...
11th Nov 2021
Lots of measuring, mixing, pouring, rolling and baking in nursery today. We made...
11th Nov 2021
Hello Welcome to Primary 1 Here at Ballykelly Primary School, Primary 1 have...
11th Nov 2021
As part of our Houses and Homes topic and to celebrate Outdoor Classroom Day 2021,...
10th Nov 2021
We had a fabulous time in the Fishmongers' Trail as part of 'Outdoor Activity Day'....
10th Nov 2021
Our new Prefects have been selected for this Half Term. Well done to everyone.