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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2021/2022 School Year

21st Oct 2021
During October we have been busy learning all about Autumn and Halloween. We...
1st Oct 2021
To help Mr Fleming prepare for the Belfast Marathon this morning we had an energetic...
30th Sep 2021
We decided to brighten up the nursery outdoor area so we planted some lovely pansies....
30th Sep 2021
In the Nursery Unit we are delighted to welcome Amelia, Anna, Arthur, Aryana, Brody,...
29th Sep 2021
After School Clubs for Term 1 start week beginning 4th October. Each class will...
29th Sep 2021
Term 1.  We enjoyed recreating the Humpty Dumpty Nursery rhyme.  We decorated...
22nd Sep 2021
Prefects from P7GC and P7MF were chosen this week. They were given their special...
8th Sep 2021
After a very close vote this year's Head Boy and Head Girl were announced in assembly...

2020/2021 School Year

29th Jun 2021
P7GC have had a very busy, but fun final term in what is their last year at Ballykelly...