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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2020/2021 School Year

28th Jun 2021
It’s hard to believe we have reached the end of another school year. It was...
25th Jun 2021
We have had a great Term 3 in Primary 1. This term we have all been working so hard...
25th Jun 2021
P2JW have made Mrs Whyte so proud this year! They have played really well with their...
24th Jun 2021
With the arrival of May, we started work on our ‘Bears’ topic. We were...
21st Jun 2021
Our topic this term was called How Does Your Garden Grow. We loved finding out about...
21st Jun 2021
Our topic this term was called How Does Your Garden Grow. We loved finding out about...
18th Jun 2021
Each Friday during May and June we have been taking part in Fundamental Movement...
16th Jun 2021
We have finally arrived at the end of another term! This term went incredibly fast...
15th Jun 2021
Primary Four Well the last term in Primary Four has flown by very quickly. We...
14th Jun 2021
We have all been very busy this term in P3/4CL! After the Easter holidays we enjoyed...