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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2020/2021 School Year

11th Dec 2020
P7GC have settled back into school really well, particularly considering these such...
7th Dec 2020
4th Dec 2020
During our time in the Woodland Trail we made clocks out of natural materials. Primary...
4th Dec 2020
Well, what a start to the year the P1s and P2s have had. The children came back...
3rd Dec 2020
P3 JB has got off to a great start with everyone glad to be back with their friends....
2nd Dec 2020
P6/7MF and P7GC Have been really enjoying our work with Hanna and Paul from Skill...
2nd Dec 2020
Well, it has certainly been a different term in P4GM with lots of hand washing,...
30th Nov 2020
During November we were learning about ‘Autumn’ and ‘The Farm’....
23rd Nov 2020