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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2020/2021 School Year

20th Nov 2020
During November we have been learning about different types of fruit and vegetables....
17th Nov 2020
We were gardening in nursery. We planted our daffodil bulbs and put them into our...
16th Nov 2020
6th Nov 2020
P6 and 7 have had a very active term 1. We have loved our time in the forest, ran...
3rd Nov 2020
Term 1  I have been very impressed with how fantastic P6JS have been . They...
21st Oct 2020
Mrs McAuley has been so impressed at how well all of our new Primary 1 pupils have...
21st Oct 2020
Please click on this link to open the Sway
21st Oct 2020
Mrs Whyte is really pleased with how well P2JW have settled back into the busyness...
21st Oct 2020
I am so pleased at how the children in P3/4CL have settled back into school and...
21st Oct 2020
We are so impressed with how well P5 settled back in school.  Every morning...