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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2023/2024 School Year

29th Apr 2024
Throughout April, we continued our exploration of the 'People Who Help Us' theme....
24th Apr 2024
Wow! What a busy term we have had in P1. We came back after our Christmas holidays...
24th Apr 2024
The nursery children took part in Beep Beep Day organised by Brake, the road safety...
16th Apr 2024
We are learning all about People Who Help Us and the nurse came in to tell us all...
11th Apr 2024
We saw birds building nests in the Woodland Trail so we decided to make nests too! 
10th Apr 2024
29th Mar 2024
During March we began our new topic learning all about Ballykelly Village and People...
16th Mar 2024
P2JW had a great time working on their balance and co-ordination during their gymnastics...
8th Mar 2024
We have been very busy doing lots of lovely art work for Mother's Day. We made cards,...