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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2019/2020 School Year

16th Dec 2019
P3JB is up and running with everyone looking forward to an exciting year ahead....
16th Dec 2019
The Santa Bus came to nursery today. The children had a lovely morning with Santa...
16th Dec 2019
During December we have been so busy practising for our Christmas Play. We were...
16th Dec 2019
P7GC have had a busy first term in what is their final year at Ballykelly Primary...
13th Dec 2019
Wow it's almost the end of term 1 in P2JW and what a busy term it has been! ...
11th Dec 2019
We have come to the end of a fantastic first term in P5. All the children have worked...
10th Dec 2019
In P4CL, we had a busy first term!  In September we prepared an Assembly for...
9th Dec 2019
Term 1 has gone in a blink! They say time flies when you are having fun and that...
9th Dec 2019
P5/6 have all had a great first term. Everyone has settled very well and are working...
9th Dec 2019