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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2018/2019 School Year

20th Mar 2019
On Monday 11th March we went to visit Hunters Bakery as part of our topic for March....
12th Mar 2019
As February arrived so did lots of toys from Outer Space! Our new topic was so much...
7th Mar 2019
On Thursday 7th March we came to nursery in our pyjamas to celebrate 'World Book...
7th Mar 2019
On Thursday 7th March P2JW came to school in their pyjamas to celebrate 'World Book...
5th Mar 2019
P2JW had a lot of fun making pancakes today. We learnt words like recipe and ingredients...
14th Feb 2019
We were feeling the love in nursery during February. We had a heart cushion and...
12th Feb 2019
In January our topics were 'Winter' and ‘Cold Lands’. Our work centred...
8th Feb 2019
Yesterday was a historic day in the life of Ballykelly Primary School. In partnership...
7th Feb 2019
On Thursday 7th February P2JW were very excited as we had a visit from HRH Princess...