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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2018/2019 School Year

5th Feb 2019
September started great in Primary 7JS, we were introduced to our new topic ‘In...
5th Feb 2019
Dear Parent/Guardian, On 14 th January you received a letter from the Limavady...
22nd Jan 2019
Term 1 Primary 6TB had a fantastic start to the year. We were so lucky to go on...
22nd Jan 2019
On Monday 21st January P4CL and P4GMG invited their parents to assembly to...
3rd Jan 2019
Well done to all November Accelerated Reading draw winners. Another great month...
21st Dec 2018
Welcome to Primary 4! Term 1 is always a busy term in Primary 4. Children are...
21st Dec 2018
In P3/4CL, we had a busy first term! We have been enjoying lots of Numeracy and...
21st Dec 2018
Wow! Our first Term in Primary 1 is now over and what fun we have had. In October...
21st Dec 2018
What a first term in P5DL we have had! Lots of work, lots of fun and most importantly...
20th Dec 2018
P1 KC have made an excellent start to Primary 1. We have all settled in well and...