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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady


2023/2024 School Year

19th Dec 2023
During December we have been so busy practising for our Christmas Play. We were...
18th Dec 2023
We have had a busy start to the year in P3/4CL! In Numeracy we have been learning...
18th Dec 2023
We posted some Christmas cards today to our families. Watch the recording of us...
15th Dec 2023
P5 have taken part in a 4 week programme facilitated by Dry Arch called Ticked Off...
15th Dec 2023
What a great first term we have had in P5/6DL! Every single member of our class has...
14th Dec 2023
Primary 7 pupils had a fantastic time at St Mary’s High School today working...
8th Dec 2023
We performed on the stage in front of our families on Friday 8th December. We were...
30th Nov 2023
During November we were learning about ‘Autumn’ and ‘The Farm’....
27th Nov 2023
We were gardening in nursery today. A special word of thanks to Louie's Daddy for...