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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady

September October 2024

11th Oct 2024

P1/2 JM have had a great start to the school year and kept very busy during September and October.  All our Primary one pupils have settled extremely well and everyone comes into school happy and ready to learn each day which is great.

Primary one have been learning new sounds s, a, t and p and can find or think of words and items that begin with each of these sounds.  They have also been writing the sounds using paint, whiteboard markers and magic doodle boards or in sand.  P1 and 2 pupils have all had great fun writing sounds or words we know in the playground using jumbo chalk.

Primary two have been working on ways to make 5 using practical resources and then recording their sums and trying to remember as many ways as we possibly can.  The 5wise frame has been a great help to us.  They have also been collecting data and presenting it in different formats, such as Venn and Carroll diagrams, pictographs and block graphs.  Great work P2.

In September we were thinking all about ourselves, our similarities and differences with a focus on Elmer.  We had fun re-enacting the story using our Elmer teddies and other props as well as making Elmer from milk cartons.  We introduced PATHS and met our friends Twiggle, Daphne, Henrietta and Duke.  They are helping us to think about different feelings and how we can manage them.

October saw the start of our Autumn topic with our book focus being ‘Owl Babies.’ This has been a very popular topic.  We had great fun building nests for the owl babies in our forest, making sure they were cosy and comfortable. Ask us if we know the word for animals that come out at night time and we’ll be able to tell you! We also all know what ivy is and have been pointing it out on our walks through the grounds of our school.  Our class have produced some very artistic owls using paint, pencils, playdough and ICT. 

We’ve had such great fun this half term and look forward to the Hallowe’en holidays.                 
Mrs Moore, Mrs Shiels, Louise and Sharon