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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady

Summer Holidays 2024

26th Jun 2024
P5 have thoroughly enjoyed Term 3.  In Numeracy we have been learning about Data Handling and Measures.  In Literacy we have enjoyed writing reports and in topic work we have learnt all about the Human Body.  We have been on our school trip to the Jet Centre and we also had our AR fun day.  On Sports Day, no one let the weather dampen our spirits. Everyone took part and and we all cheered each other on.  
Finally the sun has come out.   Mrs Darrall and Mrs McDonald are very proud of the progress P5 have made this year.  We also want to thank Mrs Mullan and Sarah for all their hard work and helping P5 everyday.
Wishing everyone a well deserved break.  Let's hope the sun shines -enjoy the summer holidays.