Summer Term
It’s hard to believe we have reached the end of another school year. It was great getting back into school properly after Easter and being able to play with our friends again.
We have had a busy term in Primary 5. One of the highlights was our weekly cricket sessions with our cricket coach. We learned lots of different skills and by the end of the term, we were able to play mini cricket matches against each other. We also enjoyed Sports Day and especially enjoyed the visit from the ice-cream van. We also enjoyed our Accelerated Reading Fun Day. This day was organised to celebrate all of our hard work in achieving our reading targets.
We continued to work hard in the classroom too and our teachers are very proud of what we have accomplished this year. Did you know we can now recognise and use decimal numbers? We have also been working hard to learn our Times Tables and some of us can recall them with lightning speed. Our topic work focused on the human body and the animal kingdom. We carried out an investigation to see how the digestive system works. It was very interesting and we can tell you lots of new and interesting facts.
We hope P.5 have a lovely summer and hopefully enjoy some sunshine.
Ballykelly Primary School, 8 Glenhead Road, Ballykelly, Limavady, BT49 9JS Phone: 028 7776 2864