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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady
The Staff and Pupils of Ballykelly Primary School would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. Thanks for your continued support.
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Term 1

16th Dec 2021

P2JW have had a very busy and fun 1st term! 

We were delighted to be able to get back to the hall to do PE. In PE we learnt all about the importance of warming up and cooling down. We worked by ourselves and with a partner to throw, catch and bounce a ball- our co-ordination has really improved and we were able to use these skills when taking part in team games.

On a Wednesday we had Ms Una from Musical Pathways. It was lots of fun learning about rhythm, rhyme and how to keep a steady beat. We really enjoyed singing our 'Hello' and 'Goodbye' songs to Harry the Hedgehog. We are very excited to see Ms Una again next term.

In the 2nd half of this term we also started having Spanish with Rebecca. We are very good at 'Hello', 'Goodbye', colours and counting to 15 in Spanish! Next term we will be learning to count all the way to 20 in Spanish!

Everyone has made great progress at counting, number stories, adding and taking away in Numeracy. We have also been working on our doubles and have enjoyed using the Balance Scales to measure things to see what is heavy and what is light. We having been sharing our weekend news each week and some of us are now able to write our news each week. Everyone is doing well at spotting the When, Who, What and Where in their sentences. It was very exciting writing our letters to Santa and posting them in the Post Box. We can't wait to see if Santa replies!

P2 have also enjoyed going to the computer room. We are getting so quick at logging on using our PIN and then logging onto Purple Mash. We have been using a drawing programme to draw our favourite toys. We really enjoy using Beebot on the mats and using the Bugs and Buttons app on the iPad.

There has been lots of fun activities down the Fishmongers' Trail with making our Leaf Men, the PTA Halloween and Winter Wonderland Trails and also making our own games and fun. During One Kind Word Week we read 'The Colour Monster' and designed our own monsters. We have been learning about different feelings using the book and during PATHS time. We know our feelings are ok but sometimes our actions are not. 

To finish the term we worked so hard learning our lines and songs for our show 'The BIG little Nativity'. We did so well performing for the recording and Mrs Whyte was extrememly proud of everyone! 

We are very excited for Christmas and being off school for a while for a well deserved break.

May we take this opportunity to wish all the children and their families a very Happy and Safe Christmas and thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Whyte 

Mrs Bellingham