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Ballykelly Primary School, Ballykelly, Limavady

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

7th Mar 2019

On Thursday 7th March P2JW came to school in their pyjamas to celebrate 'World Book Day'. We had a great day reading the story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. After lunch we were surprised to find our class bear Casper had disappeared and we needed to go and find him! Off we went on our bear hunt to the Fishmongers' Trail. We decided to change the rhyme slightly and chanted, " We're going on a bear hunt, We're off to find Casper, We're not scared, It's a windy day!". It turned out Casper had gone missing with P2 JM's bear Cuddles! We searched high, low, left and right and eventually found him hiding up a tree!! (P2JM found Cuddles in the shed at the pond!). We brought him safely back to class and then went to the library to change our books. When we came back to class we found some certificates to say we had been on a bear hunt! It was a great day and we all enjoy listening to, reading and acting out our stories!